Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Children of Noisy Village

How is "Noisy Village" different from where we live? What would you like about living in a small town? What would you not like about it? 

Evy (6): "It's so noisy - with only six kids! If I lived there, I would like spending my time outside." 

Gabe (9): "It only has three houses. It has less kids. The thing I'd like about living there is going to Grandpa's because he's funny. What I wouldn't like is that there would be no Jack."

Julia (11): "It's not that big, it's in Sweden. And I think it's a bit back in time. It sounds like they are in the country. I would like taking the long walks from school and home, and having a windows next to your best friend's house would be really cool. But I wouldn't like having to walk almost everywhere. That would be tiring!"

Mom's Notes: Julia suggested this sweet little book for the first read aloud of our homeschool year. It was just the thing for reading out on the grass, on the new swings, and by flashlight while camping. (The very last chapter, which I read as the kids dozed off one by one in their sleeping bags, was very appropriately about a camping trip!) Does a part of me wish we lived in such a time and town? Yes, yes, yes. But we live now, and I believe we can create a more simple life in this complicated world if we decide to! And we can keep our washing machines too. ;)