Monday, December 1, 2014

The Silver Chair

Would you rather live underground or above ground. Why?

Julia (7): "I would like to live up on ground so I could play with friends."

Gabe (5): "I would like the underground to be my playhouse, but live above the ground."

Mom's notes: Again, Jonny took the reigns on this one. We hope they continue to make movies of the remaining Narnia books. We so highly value these tales of good triumphing gloriously, but not without a struggle, over evil.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Henry Huggins

Mom's notes: Gabe (5) and I read this while the twins and Evy napped and Julia was at school. Nana brought it over and it was just the thing we needed for some special Gabey-Mommy time each day. Gabe loves dogs, and friendly Ribsy was no exception.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

How did the experience Eustace had in Narnia help to change his heart?

Julia (7): "It helped him to not be greedy and mean."

Gabe (5): "By feeling sorry." 

Would you choose to live in Aslan's Country like Repicheep did, or would you stay in Narnia a little longer?

Julia: "I would stay for one more day and then go and see the wonders of Aslan's World."

Gabe: "I would stay in Narnia so I could help fight the wars."

Mom's notes: Besides the first book, this may well be my favorite in the series. The story of Aslan helping Eustace transform from a dragon into a boy is so rich in beauty and symbolism that it brings me to tears every time. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Prince Caspian

How would you feel if you were suddenly in Narnia again after a whole year?

Julia (7): "I would feel strange at first and then really happy."

Gabe (5): "Awesome!"

Mom's notes: Jonny read the bulk of this one. And of course we thoroughly enjoyed a family movie night featuring the high quality movie adaptation. Did I already mention that we love Narnia? ;)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

What lesson did Edmund learn while in Narnia?

Julia (7): "He learned to be nice to his sisters and brother."

Gabe (5): "To not obey the white witch and to obey Aslan. He didn't know the white witch was a bad guy but then Aslan saved him."

How do you think you'd feel when meeting Aslan for the first time?

Julia: "Kind of shy and peaceful."

Gabe: "Happy, because I know he's good."

Mom's notes: I'd been looking forward to introducing my kids to the fantastic world of Narnia since before they were even born. The time had finally come and what a thrill it was! (Jonny was equally excited. This is the first read-aloud that he actively participated in with us. We are devoted Narnia fans over here.) We helped the kids along with the religious symbolism in this story, and they easily picked up on it on their own after our first promptings. I'm so glad that Alsan, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are a part of our literary family now. Not to mention Tumnus, the Beavers, and all the rest!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Knight's Castle

If you could have a magic adventure with some of your toys, which toys would you choose?

Julia (6): "I would choose to be with my Polly Pockets because I would like to be with princesses."

Gabe (4): "I would choose the firemen and policemen guys Matt gave me. I would play with them to be knights and they would fight the bad guys."

Mom's notes: Edward Eager often alludes to stories by other authors that he admires. (E. Nesbit specifically and often.) It would have been extremely helpful to be familiar with the story of Ivanhoe (which I am not!). Robin Hood is also a main character in this one, and luckily the kids know him (as a fox from a Disney movie at this point...). Either way though, this book is packed with close calls and excitement that kept the kids asking for another chapter every time we read. (I will note that Eager's chapters are not short, so I often split them up and didn't finish an entire one in a sitting.)

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Sophie's plan to stop the giants was to tell the Queen and get her to help. What would your plan be?

Julia (6): "I would put them up stuck in a giant tree and put huge gates all around and feed them grass."

Gabe (4): "I would trap them in a booby trap and feed them snozzcumbers."

Mom's notes: This was a first time read for me and the first Roald Dahl book for the kids. Fun! Roald Dahl has a very distinctive style that lends itself to easily and playfully be read aloud. (The short chapters are much appreciated!)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Magic by the Lake

What watery adventure did you like best? 

Julia: "I liked the mermaid one, but not the pirates."

Gabe: "I liked the parts with the pirates... because they are boys!"

Mom's notes: Lucky Martha, Jane, Mark, and Katherine have stumbled upon magic again! Julia and Gabe were taken up with the adventure, danger, and fun of this second Eager book.

I will note that these books are not especially easy to read aloud, with the extensive vocabulary and references to events and times that the kids are unfamiliar with. But I think this just provides for more learning opportunities! We don't breeze through Eager's books, but rather take our time to enjoy the quality writing and intricate stories. And just as my kids surprised me with their attentiveness during Five Children and It, they follow Eager's dated tales with great interest and without difficulty. I believe we should give children the benefit of the doubt when reading aloud, and assume they can follow a story even if it isn't as fast-paced as some they are used to from today's culture. Why not fill their minds and hearts with wonderful, powerful, memorable stories while we have the chance?