Monday, April 4, 2016

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

If you were shooting into space with Willie Wonka in a glass box, would you be nervous? Would you trust Mr. Wonka?

Julia (8): "I would be kind of nervous, but seeing how strong the glass elevator is would make me not as nervous. I would trust Mr. Wonka because he made some wonderful things and he's a really nice man."

Gabe (6): "I would trust him because I've seen the first movie."

The Vita-Wonk can make any person younger. Would you want to take the magic pill? Why or why not?

Julia: "When I'm a grandma I might like to, but not now because then I turn into a minus! And I would listen to Willie Wonka carefully so I would know how many pills to take."

Gabe: "I would if it made you three years younger because I liked it when I was three."

Mom's Notes: This book was an unpredictable adventure! We had no idea the story of Willie Wonka and Charlie went so far beyond (and above!) the famous Chocolate Factory.

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