Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Because of Winn Dixie

How is this book sweet and sad like a Littmus Lozenge?

Julia (9): "It's sad because because her mother went away and didn't come back in the end. It's sweet because she finds a new friend, Winn Dixie, who introduces her to other new friends. Like Otis and Gloria Dump."

Gabe (7): It's sad because her mom doesn't come back. And it's sweet because she learned to live with that."

What does Opal learn about making friends?

Julia: "That it can be hard to make friends and easy to make friends."

Gabe: "You can be friends with anyone you want."

Mom's Notes: This book has a beautiful way of showing rather than telling. Even in such a succinct novel, there is so much to learn and discover about the characters - and about ourselves. I hope to read this book aloud many, many more times through the years. Life is complicated and heartbreaking at times, but there will always be light and love and truth. I treasure this book for the hope that it radiates - beginning even with the cover illustration. 

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