Sunday, May 8, 2016


Which Redwall character do you relate to most?

Julia (8): "I relate to Cornflower. She's always watching out for Mattheas and I watch out for my friends and family."

Gabe (6): "Matthias. Because I would kill a snake."

If you were Matthias, would you trust the crow? 

Julia: "I would keep her as prisoner, and see if she was right or wrong. Then I would release her and we would be friends, if she was telling the truth."

Gabe: "Maybe. Because two of the crows were good."

Mom's Notes: Jonny had mentioned reading some of the books in this series as a kid. I surprised him with the first one for his birthday. The British vocabulary and prose made this read-aloud a bit of a challenge, but the kids were ever-attentive and followed the story of bravery and sacrifice well. I wouldn't be surprised if they pick up a few more in the series on their own in a few years.

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