Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Golden Treasury of Children's Literature

What was your favorite story that we read? Why? 

Julia (10): "I liked 'Hansel and Gretel' because it sounded more realistic than the usual cartoon fairytales."

Gabe (8): "My favorite one was 'The Unexpected Party' from The Hobbit. It was funny when the dwarves were singing."

Evy (5): "Cinderella! Because I like them dancing and I like Cinderella's dress. It was yellow and it looked like big feathers were on it."

Mom's Notes: When Myra was moving out of the Durango house a few years ago, she handed this book off to us. The inscription inside reads, "To Kiera, Jonathan, Joe, and Sarah. With Love, Aunt Barb and Uncle Dan. August 1987." I took it off the shelf at the beginning of the summer and decided that many of these are valuable stories that need to be read! So for two months the kids took turns picking a story. (Some were finished in one sitting, others lasted a few evenings.) The kids truly enjoyed reading out of "the yellow book" and eagerly looked forward to their turn to choose from the lengthy table of contents. I hope they pick this book up on their own once in a while throughout the years. Classic stories are classic for good reason, and I'm glad we all met some new characters or revisited some favorites.

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