Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Everyone thought this would be the worst pageant, but they were wrong! What do you think made it the best?

Evy (6): "The Herdmans been good in the Christmas pageant. They were good acting and they weren't being mean."

Gabe (9): "It was really nice of them to give away their ham. It symbolized what the Wisemen gave." 

Julia (11): "Imogene Herdman felt the spirit there."

While we read this book, did you learn or realize anything new about The Nativity Story? 

Evy: "I thought the wiseman traveled in one night, but they actually traveled for, like, a week... or a month? And then Baby Jesus was like two years old." 

Gabe: "No, I was just listening to the story." 

Julia: "No, not really."

Mom's Notes: Julia read this for her neighborhood book club and insisted we read it together. We laughed and learned and came out with a better understanding of the Christmas story, and human nature in general. We'll definitely revisit this story at future Christmastimes. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Door in the Wall

What do you think it means when the author says Robin "found his door in the wall"? 

Evy (6): "He found something fun to do and he can work and do stuff."

Gabe (9): "Even though he had a hard time he did what was right." 

Julia (11): "It means he found his way through his hardships." 

Mom's Notes: These unit-themed read-alouds really do enrich our history study, and in such a natural and effortless way. Besides references to what we're learning in our The Good and The Beautiful lessons, it was interesting and fun to hear the dialect of 14th century England. We laughed aloud sometimes and went about quoting things like, "Are we near, think you?"  and joked that we'll say that on our next road trip instead of "Are we there yet?" Robin showed true perseverance and courage, with a lot of thanks to the monks and others who were so dedicated to helping him. It was sweet to read this story at Christmastime, as Robin is reunited with his family in time for Christmas Eve.