Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

Everyone thought this would be the worst pageant, but they were wrong! What do you think made it the best?

Evy (6): "The Herdmans been good in the Christmas pageant. They were good acting and they weren't being mean."

Gabe (9): "It was really nice of them to give away their ham. It symbolized what the Wisemen gave." 

Julia (11): "Imogene Herdman felt the spirit there."

While we read this book, did you learn or realize anything new about The Nativity Story? 

Evy: "I thought the wiseman traveled in one night, but they actually traveled for, like, a week... or a month? And then Baby Jesus was like two years old." 

Gabe: "No, I was just listening to the story." 

Julia: "No, not really."

Mom's Notes: Julia read this for her neighborhood book club and insisted we read it together. We laughed and learned and came out with a better understanding of the Christmas story, and human nature in general. We'll definitely revisit this story at future Christmastimes. 

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