Tuesday, March 23, 2021

By the Great Horn Spoon!

What was the most interesting thing about the Gold Rush that you learned in the story? 

Michael (6): "Somebody found the gold and then one person told the guy that there was gold. And then another, and then another!" 

Daniel (6): (He recapped many parts of the whole book with detail and accuracy! But I just typed out this last part.) "The gold on their belts was pushing them down. So they had to unbuckle their belts and swim up. The gold went down and they couldn't find it!" 

Evy (8):  "It was interesting that the guy had gold in his hair. He said they could keep his hair! And I liked when the cats came on the ship because Praiseworthy had fish!"

Gabe (11): "Gold was really plentiful then, it actually wasn't very rare. Where they were searching and got it, it wasn't worth very much there. It's worth a lot more in other places." 

Julia (13): "The voyage there and how long it took." 

Mom's Notes: We learned so much while reading this book! We continually pulled out the map as we followed their sea voyage, and were relieved they ever even made it to California! Praiseworthy and Jack's adventure hooked us from the very beginning, and their success story after so many failures was an inspiring lesson in persevering. (Praiseworthy's optimism was astonishing and exemplary! We'll not forget his patience in tough times. There's plenty to apply to life there.) 

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