Friday, September 2, 2022

Anne of Avonlea

Mom's Notes: We started listening to this sequel (which I have never read!) during our big midwest road trip. We didn't get through a whole lot, and I figured maybe there wasn't as much interest and we'd just pick back up on another road trip in the future. But when we sat down to begin a new book on the first week of school, they all wanted to know why were weren't finishing Anne of Avonlea! I was actually really excited about the fun book I had chosen to start out the year with, but the requests persisted. And who am I to deny them Anne!? We were all in as Mary Sarah read the story so delightfully. The laughed at the antics of Davy - the same age as the buddies. Miss Lavender's sweetness and charm had us celebrating her wedding with along with dear Paul Irving. 

And so we finished the book and I was ready to pull out Homer Price. BUT they are ALL begging for more Anne! Again, can I possibly ignore their pleas? After all, who better is there to help usher in our year of "Wonder" and "Standing in Awe?" I do believe we'll continue right on through the series... 


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