Saturday, December 17, 2022

Rilla of Ingleside

When you think of this book, what image or event first comes to your mind? 

Michael: "When Rilla goes to her first dance at the lighthouse." 

Daniel: "When she comes with the soup tureen and puts the baby in it."

Evy: "When she comes home with the soup tureen. And when Kenneth Ford comes back from the war." 

Gabe: "The lighthouse dance."

Julia: "The ball place."

Mom's Notes: What a finish! Truly, I can't pick a second favorite in this series. This story is so rich with history, sweet romance, and surprising events. (Like the baby in the soup tureen and the interesting old lady who bequeaths her fortune to Jims!) It was a pleasure and honor to watch Rilla grow and learn to sacrifice during the long years of the war. I especially loved seeing Anne as a mother of older children. We all cried at the saddest news and rejoiced with the victories. We learned so much about WWI; it was so interesting to follow the whole thing through the eyes of those at home. Jonny finished this one only days after we did, so dinner conversations very often touched this story. 

We're all sad to leave this series! Surely we will return. As a token of our affection for these books and the characters, we're proud to say Clay has an official middle name, thanks to the ever-loyal Dog Monday. Clarence Monday sounds just right. 

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