Thursday, April 6, 2023

Sweet Home Alaska

Mom's Notes: I had never learned about the Palmer Colony in Alaska. It was fascinating to read about what it might have been like for those Depression-era pioneers. Of course it sounds like an amazing adventure to me, and I hope I'd be up for it! But struggling to keep mosquitos out of the canvas tent that would be home for months, along with the lack of supplies and help for illness, plus the lack of plumbing conveniences do have me feeling for the mother in the story especially. We enjoyed the familiar references to Shirley Temple, Little Orphan Annie, and especially Almanzo Wilder. I did purposefully read that book before this one! (Note: While the historical subject was very interesting, we weren't much impressed with the writing. The characters just never came alive for us. There were some hitches in the plot here and there, too. Still, a fun read, and one I'm grateful we spent time with.) 

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