Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Which room/area in the factory would you most like to visit? 

Evy (11): "I want to go to the chocolate river and its surroundings." 

Daniel (9): "The chocolate river one."

Michael (9): "Definitely the wall paper. It would probably taste so good."

Do you like the Oompa Loompas better in the book or the movie? 

Evy: "The book, because the movie ones are kind of strange. Also, the ones in the book have more back story." 

Daniel: "I like them better in the movie because the details in the words of their songs."

Michael: "Book, because they look better." 

Mom's Notes: Jonny quotes the 1970s movie all the time. Julia showed us a preview for a new Wonka movie coming out. We needed a light, fun summer read while we live temporarily in the townhome. So we picked up this book! It's been years since we read it, so the youngers had no recollection. It was fun to read this wacky, delicious story to the younger kids, with Julia and Gabe listening in on occasion. We finished the last few chapters around the campfire at Ophir. A few weeks later a movie night was definitley in order. The kids each chose a king-size chocolate bar for refreshments as we laughed at Gene Wilder's take on Willie Wonka. "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." 

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