Friday, December 22, 2023

Johnny Tremain


Mom's Notes: This was exactly the right thing to read before our trip to Boston! Esther Forbes masterfully weaves the early events of the revolution into a gripping story with realistic characters. I pulled the map out a whole lot as we read, looking forward to visiting those very streets. We got to know Paul Revere, Sam Adams, and John Hancock better than any documentary could've done. Reading about the unfair taxes, the Tea Party, the Battle at Lexington and Concord, and other key events from Jonny's viewpoint really helped the history to come alive for us. The story became the backbone of our study, and many lessons and activities and discussions were derived from the chapters. Then, to be in Boston! It was kind of surreal for me. I'm truly so grateful that we get to read, study, travel, and repeat! It adds such a depth to our wonder and learning. 

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