Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me

Would you hire the "Ladder-less Window Cleaning Company" to clean your windows? Why or why not?

Julia (8): "I would like to hire them because it would be fun to watch them work and I would ask the Pelly if I could take a ride in his beak."

Gabe (6): "No, because I don't need them cleaned."

Mom's Notes: I gave the kids (and myself, of course!) the Roald Dahl box set for Christmas. They were very excited to see some familiar spines in the set, and Julia picked this skinny one out to read immediately. She and I took turns reading it aloud. Gabe is suddenly reading so well, he can take a turn soon too, if he likes!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

If you could speak parseltongue, what would you say to a snake?

Julia (8): "I never spoke to a snake before. It's pretty cool meeting a snake." 

Gabe (6): "Don't hurt my family, Rattlesnake." 

Mom's notes: There was plenty of gasping, laughing, speculating, and reading ahead by Julia during this one. On to the movie! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Would you like to attend Hogwarts? Why or why not?

Julia (8): "I want to go to Hogwarts because I want to learn how to fly on a Nimbus 2000 and I would really like the ability of turning invisible."

Gabe (6): "I would want to do magic there. I would turn toads into mountain trolls and bewitch peoples' minds."

Mom's notes: Now that the wondrous world of Harry Potter has been opened to these kids, there's no closing it! I don't blame them. These stories were a humungous success for good reason. Naturally we watched the movie upon completion of the book. I was so glad the kids got to picture the characters in their own imaginations prior to seeing the movie. That's an experience not many kids have anymore!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Banner in the Sky

Rudi decided to save Saxo instead of climbing to the top of the Citadel. Why do you think he did that?

Julia (8): "I think because he was a kind boy and I think he thought a real hiker should help other people."

Gabe (6): "Because he cared about others and not himself."

Mom's notes: Jonny picked and read this one. He remembered being impacted by it when he read it as a kid. It was slow at times, especially with all the mountain climbing jargon, but that didn't keep the kids from being active listeners. I believe the story of Rudi Matt will stay with them, just like it has with Jonny.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fantastic Mr. Fox

The Foxes dug all the way to the three farmers' storehouses. If you could dig like a fox, where would you want your tunnel to end up?

Julia (8): "I would like to make it to Disneyland. I could sneak in like a sneaky fox and ride all the rides."

Gabe (6): "I would dig to Chick-Fil-A!"

Mom's notes: This book is very silly, and that's exactly what we expected. Julia read ahead and finished the book before us, so she was anxious for us to find out what happens!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Summer of the Monkeys

Those monkeys were tricky! How would you try to catch them? 

Julia (8): "I would just put food in the corn crib and lock the monkeys in there, then try to make friends with Jimbo."

Gabe (6): "I would call Batman. And then Batman would put out his traps and capture them."

How did you feel after finding out Jay Berry was willing to give up the gun and pony for his sister's leg operation?

Julia: "I felt surprised, shocked, and happy-sad. I knew that Jay Berry almost had something he'd been dying for his whole life, but he helped his sister with something she'd been wanting her whole life."

Gabe: "Sad, because he loved the pony and the .22. And good because he was helping her."

Mom's notes: Wilson Rawls is a talented storyteller. (Plus, his dialogue is just plain fun to read!) We laughed at the antics of the monkeys, commiserated with Jay Berry as he tried his darnedest to capture them, and were moved when he gave up his hard-earned prizes for Daisy's operation. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Meet Molly

Mom's notes: Julia (8) and I read this book individually after Nana gave it to us. It jump-started our mother-daughter book club!

We met in Nana's lovely garden room, where we had lemonade and treats, talked about the book, and Nana helped Julia pot a plant for her own.

Then we ended up reading all six books in the Molly series! (Thanks to Aunt Julie who lent them to us.) For our bookclub activity we walked to the Six Sisters' Deli, just a few blocks from our home. We chatted about the Molly books that we loved while eating a patty melt and sipping orange cream soda.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Ranger in Time

Ranger magically traveled in back in time to help Sam and his family on their journey out West. If you found a way to time travel, where would you go and who would you help?

Julia (7): "I would go to the time of queens and princesses. I would help princesses be free and do what they want to do."

Gabe (5): "I would go back in time to Super Heroes and save the world from danger."

Mom's notes: We all needed a light-hearted book after the sweet and sad tale of Billy's dogs, so Julia suggested this one that her teacher had recently read aloud at school. (And it was Julia's pick for the monthly book order.)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Where the red Fern Grows

Billy wanted his dogs so badly that he worked for two years to earn the money to buy them. Is there anything you would be willing to work that long and hard for?

Gabe (5): "A real iron man suit"

Julia (7): "I would want that poofy blue dress we saw in the Cinderella movie." 

Billy was very sad when his dogs died. What gave him comfort? 
Julia: "It was the red fern. He saw they loved each other like in the legend." 

Gabe: "The red fern because it happened on the Indian story. It means they would resurrect." 

Mom's notes: This book will always have a special place in all of our hearts. Jonny read most of it, but I had to take over during the tender chapter when the dogs go. After reading about Billy's tragic loss, we four huddled on the floor and cried together. I believe sweet Gabe cried himself to sleep that night. Life is full of love and loss, and a story like this that gives our kids the chance to sympathize with such deep sadness while being held by Mom and Dad is invaluable. Who can say but that these early experiences feeling grief and compassion (for real events as well as fictional ones) may provide comfort and hope for them when they face heartbreak of their own. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Time Garden

If you had a garden blooming with thyme, where in time would you travel?

Julia (7): "I would go to see Columbus. And some princesses."

Gabe (5): "I would go back in time to see the dinosaurs. And to make history better. And I want to see dragons!"

Mom's notes: We had taken a break from the Edward Eager box set, but after a few months Gabe insisted we finish the fourth book. Fine with me! (There are three others related to the series that I still need to purchase for our library. I love owning wonderful books. They're like old friends. I hope my kids feel the same and create a library of their own someday with only the best books. I'll be happy to contribute!) I had never read this one before and was happily surprised to find the March sisters from Little Women in the story. There was also much for the kids to learn in here as far as US History goes. Plus, smelling thyme from Nana's herb garden after reading this book was more exciting than you'd ever imagine it could be for these two little grandkids!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Indian in the Cupboard

If one of your toys magically came to life, would you keep it a secret? If not, who would you tell?

Julia (7): "I would tell my best friend Lilliana because she is good at keeping secrets and she never tells. And then Amy. But that's all."

Gabe (5): "I would show Jack because he's my best friend. And we would make my big green army guy come to life."

Mom's notes: What kid wouldn't be absolutely fascinated with the idea of a tiny toy coming to life? And what kid doesn't dream of having a magic cupboard and a magic key? I'm still on the lookout for those things myself...