Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Horse and His Boy

Which scene from this story stands out most vividly in your mind?

Evy (7): "The parts with Aslan!"

Gabe (10): "The scene when the king and two other guys making plans to attack Narnia and the Aravis is hiding behind the couch."

Julia (12): "When the lion is next to Shasta as himself and it's dark and Shasta can't see him but can feel him." 

Mom's Notes: We're back in Narnia! It's been several years since our last reading in the series. This story was a brilliant one to get us going again. Many Sunday evenings this summer were spent out in the backyard with Shasta, Bree, Aravis, and the others. We were all happy to meet up again with the Pevensies and learn of their Narnia reign. The interactions with Aslan were beautiful and powerful. On to adventures with Diggory and Polly! 

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