Thursday, August 6, 2020

Melissa Across the Fence

What questions would you write on your chalkboard if you were getting to know a new friend? 

Evy: "How do you like your house? What's your last name? Do you like dogs? How many siblings do you have? Do you like chickens?... I do!"

What would your back-window-friend call you? 

Evy: "Chicken Lady!" 

Mom's Notes: Evy and I read this perfectly sweet little book over the course of a few days. I fell in love with the correspondence story when I read it for myself out in the hammock one Sunday afternoon earlier this summer, so I was eager to recommend it. Evy adores the story now too! We were both so relieved when Bim and Victor were reunited and the fairy-tale ending put smiles on our faces. 

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