Monday, September 21, 2020

The Wind in the Willows


Who is your favorite character and why? 

Julia (13): "Ratty. I just like his style."

Gabe (11): "Mr. Otter. I like him because he's an otter, and otters are epic boiz in Redwall." 

Evy (8): "I like Toad because he's crazy!" 

Daniel (6): "Rat - because he goes on a boat. And I like swimming and going on boats."

Michael (6): "Rat - because he goes in water."

Where would you rather live: the riverbank, underground, the Wild Wood, or Toad Hall?

Julia: "Toad Hall. It's a mansion. I mean, who wouldn't want a mansion? I'd just make it a toad-free hall." 

Gabe: "I'd live in the Wild Wood so I could beat up foxes, weasels, and stoats." 

Evy: "Toad Hall - because it's fun.

Daniel: "Toad Hall - because it's a house, and it's a mansion!"

Michael: "The Riverbank - because I like being in the water."

Mom's Notes: This is one I remember my mom reading aloud to us kids. We still talk about "messing about in boats" to this day! We picked it up as a first read aloud this year for two reasons: because Julia's school group is planning to perform the musical this year, and because our science unit is about mammals. I haven't read it for a decade, and I forgot how truly delightful it is. We listened to many of the chapters via Librivox. The reader was phenomenal and we'll surely listen again in the future! I personally love Ratty and his genuine care for others. He doesn't always get it right, but he is generally quick to see the error in his ways and make it up the best he can. The way he praised Mole's humble home when all he wished for was to be in his own beloved house on the river was truly selfless. 

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