Monday, May 2, 2022

 There's so much "scope for the imagination" when thinking up a name for a home. ;) What would you call ours? 

Michael (7): "The Yellow Explorer"

Daniel (7): "Apple Mania"

Evy (9): "Happy Sunshine Place" 

Gabe (12): "Small Comfort"

Julia (14): "The Final Resting Place of Many Fish."

Anne has a knack for getting into scrapes. Which one is the most memorable to you? 

Michael (7): "When she tricked Marilla that she slipped the brooch over the bridge."

Daniel (7): "Green hair!"

Evy (9): "The raspberry cordial." 

Gabe (12): "When she died her hair green." 

Julia (14): "When Anne almost drowns, then has to be saved on Gilbert's 'ship'... and the ship is born. 'glanne' for lyfeee. <3" 

Mom's Notes: This has been a favorite, beloved book of mine since I read it as a girl after playing "Minnie May" in a community theater production of the timeless story. How can you not love Anne Shirley and be inspired by her passion for all that is beautiful in this world? You can imagine my delight when Jonny told me he was listening to an audio version on his commute! He loved Anne immediately after meeting her, just like Matthew did. It was so fun to get the recap of the goings-on in Avonlea from Jonny each evening. I knew the rest of the family had to be involved in the conversation! (Actually, I was tentatively planning to read this book aloud early next school year. Jonny reading it nudged me to put it off no longer! I'm so glad.) All of us were invested in her humorous, sweet, and touching story of change, growth, and love. We laughed at Anne's ridiculous, but relatable antics. We yearned for her to forgive Gilbert. And cried along with Anne and Marilla when Matthew's time came. I personally relished in listening to this audio version read masterfully by Mary Sarah. I had to grab my hard copy book to annotate - only to find I had already underlined those very passages. I plan to go a page in my commonplace book with all the quotes about prayer. We thought the book ended perfectly: "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world." 

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