Thursday, May 26, 2022

Three Tales of My Father's Dragon


Mom's Notes: The buddies have heard to first book, but they asked that we read all three. We had recently finished a second My Book House volume for the year, so this was just the thing to finish out the month until summer. I really enjoy reading aloud to just the buddies, because they laugh and giggle at anything remotely funny. ("Mr. Wagonwheel.... ha ha ha!") We have a good time! Most of these chapters were read on the top bunk or out on the tramp in the sunshine. 

If you were setting out on an adventure like Elmer was, what would you pack in your backpack? (might as well recycle the question from the last reading with the bigger kids...again!)

Michael: "I would bring a computer, binoculars, a grabber hook, food, and a bunch of candy." 

Daniel: "I would definitely bring food, a telescope, a map, and my money... so I could buy some United States things."

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