Saturday, December 17, 2022

Rilla of Ingleside

When you think of this book, what image or event first comes to your mind? 

Michael: "When Rilla goes to her first dance at the lighthouse." 

Daniel: "When she comes with the soup tureen and puts the baby in it."

Evy: "When she comes home with the soup tureen. And when Kenneth Ford comes back from the war." 

Gabe: "The lighthouse dance."

Julia: "The ball place."

Mom's Notes: What a finish! Truly, I can't pick a second favorite in this series. This story is so rich with history, sweet romance, and surprising events. (Like the baby in the soup tureen and the interesting old lady who bequeaths her fortune to Jims!) It was a pleasure and honor to watch Rilla grow and learn to sacrifice during the long years of the war. I especially loved seeing Anne as a mother of older children. We all cried at the saddest news and rejoiced with the victories. We learned so much about WWI; it was so interesting to follow the whole thing through the eyes of those at home. Jonny finished this one only days after we did, so dinner conversations very often touched this story. 

We're all sad to leave this series! Surely we will return. As a token of our affection for these books and the characters, we're proud to say Clay has an official middle name, thanks to the ever-loyal Dog Monday. Clarence Monday sounds just right. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

Rainbow Valley

Which Blithe or Meredith child would you like to make friends with? 

Evy: "Walter, Faith, Una, Nan, and Di."

Daniel: "Jem... because he's Jem! And Walter, so we could write poems." 

Michael: "My favorite is Walter because he's a poet. And his name is cool. I would want to be friend with Carl, because he could teach you that you don't have to be afraid of bugs." 

Mom's Notes: This book gave us a lot to laugh about, a lot to discuss concerning harmful gossip, and definitely some tears to shed. We love the Blithe and Meredith children! We did miss Anne, though. It's hard to move on with the new focus on the youngins. But it was sweet to see glimpses of Anne in her delightful children. Oh, to play in Rainbow Valley! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Anne's House of Dreams

Which Four Winds resident was most interesting to you? 

Evy (10): "I liked Captain Jim best because he's nice and he seems like a good guy. But Miss Cornelia was the most interesting." 

Michael (8): "That girl who got married to Owen Ford. We got to know about her a lot. Her life seemed sad, but then it was her cousin!" 

Gabe (13): "Probably Captain Jim, though they're all pretty interesting. He had a lot of stories to tell."

Daniel (8): "Miss Cornelia, she's just... interesting. She says, 'Just like a man!'" 

Mom's Notes: Each book has a distinct feel. This one is sweet and sad, with some difficult life events for several of the characters. It was interesting to see Anne grow as a wife, friend, and eventually a new mother. My longing to visit P.E.I. has only increased. I want to see a lighthouse like Captain Jim's! 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Anne of the Island


Mom's Notes: We had no big field trip plans today and the kids have been wanting to read so many more chapters than we've been able to this week. So we settled ourselves comfortably on the downstairs sectional couch and read to our communal heart's content! (We've been reading down there because Clay is much calmer where there are no front windows with an endless stream of things to bark at! We're working on that...) We just kept reading and reading. Even the buddies never lost interest. Almost three hours later, Anne and Gilbert were finally betrothed! We were a little impatient and had to wade through some side stories to get there, but no one wanted to give up until what we knew Anne would eventually realize truly materialized. With Montgomery's poetic sensory descriptions, we were right there in the parlor of Patty's Place with Anne and her school chums, then easily home at Green Gables for the summers and holidays. I wished to be in all the beautiful places in nature she spends her time dreaming. Maybe someday we'll make it there! Just maybe... (With each book, my P.E.I. travel dreams grow.)  

P.S. Unfortunately, Mary Sarah doesn't narrate any more books in the series. So I purchased a box set and have taken up my job again. I have borrowed some of Sarah's inflection and way of saying certain phrases that we've grown to love. (One of those is Davy's "I want to know," which Daniel has adopted as well. And Mrs. Lynde's "That's what" is another common phrase in our home.) 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Anne of Avonlea

Mom's Notes: We started listening to this sequel (which I have never read!) during our big midwest road trip. We didn't get through a whole lot, and I figured maybe there wasn't as much interest and we'd just pick back up on another road trip in the future. But when we sat down to begin a new book on the first week of school, they all wanted to know why were weren't finishing Anne of Avonlea! I was actually really excited about the fun book I had chosen to start out the year with, but the requests persisted. And who am I to deny them Anne!? We were all in as Mary Sarah read the story so delightfully. The laughed at the antics of Davy - the same age as the buddies. Miss Lavender's sweetness and charm had us celebrating her wedding with along with dear Paul Irving. 

And so we finished the book and I was ready to pull out Homer Price. BUT they are ALL begging for more Anne! Again, can I possibly ignore their pleas? After all, who better is there to help usher in our year of "Wonder" and "Standing in Awe?" I do believe we'll continue right on through the series... 


If you had a window friend that you communicated with through writing, what would you want yourself to be called? 

Michael (8): "Michael the Great"

Daniel (8): "Daniel the Nathaniel"

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Half Magic


If you found a magic talisman, what would you wish? Don't forget the rule...!

Michael (7): "I wish we were at Disneyland, but twice as far."

Daniel (7): "I would wish for two halves of an owl." 

Evy (10): "I would wish for 20 chickens and 30 dogs."

(The bigger kids don't care much for answering these questions nowadays. Well!)

Mom's Notes: We needed a fun book to usher in the summer, so I figured a magic story would do the trick. Growing up, there was always something so memorable for me about this book. Maybe it's because every child finds a coin on the sidewalk at some point. And imagining that it could grant wishes - even half ones - is just such an exciting prospect! 

Three Tales of My Father's Dragon


Mom's Notes: The buddies have heard to first book, but they asked that we read all three. We had recently finished a second My Book House volume for the year, so this was just the thing to finish out the month until summer. I really enjoy reading aloud to just the buddies, because they laugh and giggle at anything remotely funny. ("Mr. Wagonwheel.... ha ha ha!") We have a good time! Most of these chapters were read on the top bunk or out on the tramp in the sunshine. 

If you were setting out on an adventure like Elmer was, what would you pack in your backpack? (might as well recycle the question from the last reading with the bigger kids...again!)

Michael: "I would bring a computer, binoculars, a grabber hook, food, and a bunch of candy." 

Daniel: "I would definitely bring food, a telescope, a map, and my money... so I could buy some United States things."

Monday, May 2, 2022

 There's so much "scope for the imagination" when thinking up a name for a home. ;) What would you call ours? 

Michael (7): "The Yellow Explorer"

Daniel (7): "Apple Mania"

Evy (9): "Happy Sunshine Place" 

Gabe (12): "Small Comfort"

Julia (14): "The Final Resting Place of Many Fish."

Anne has a knack for getting into scrapes. Which one is the most memorable to you? 

Michael (7): "When she tricked Marilla that she slipped the brooch over the bridge."

Daniel (7): "Green hair!"

Evy (9): "The raspberry cordial." 

Gabe (12): "When she died her hair green." 

Julia (14): "When Anne almost drowns, then has to be saved on Gilbert's 'ship'... and the ship is born. 'glanne' for lyfeee. <3" 

Mom's Notes: This has been a favorite, beloved book of mine since I read it as a girl after playing "Minnie May" in a community theater production of the timeless story. How can you not love Anne Shirley and be inspired by her passion for all that is beautiful in this world? You can imagine my delight when Jonny told me he was listening to an audio version on his commute! He loved Anne immediately after meeting her, just like Matthew did. It was so fun to get the recap of the goings-on in Avonlea from Jonny each evening. I knew the rest of the family had to be involved in the conversation! (Actually, I was tentatively planning to read this book aloud early next school year. Jonny reading it nudged me to put it off no longer! I'm so glad.) All of us were invested in her humorous, sweet, and touching story of change, growth, and love. We laughed at Anne's ridiculous, but relatable antics. We yearned for her to forgive Gilbert. And cried along with Anne and Marilla when Matthew's time came. I personally relished in listening to this audio version read masterfully by Mary Sarah. I had to grab my hard copy book to annotate - only to find I had already underlined those very passages. I plan to go a page in my commonplace book with all the quotes about prayer. We thought the book ended perfectly: "God's in his heaven, all's right with the world." 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Lady cake Farm

Mom's Notes: I read this little story on my own a year or so ago. I was very much looking forward to sharing it with the kids. The love that the family members have for their home and new farm, the majestic maple tree, the prized dictionary, and especially for one another make this book a gem to read and treasure. There's a whole lot to discuss along the Freed family's bittersweet journey. The ending was wonderfully "ladycake," and it had Julia googling recipes on the spot! She and Evy made this lovely cake. I think Julia's torch work was a brilliant touch! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Escape by Night

Mom's Notes: This was a simple, quick read to give us an idea of life for children in the South during the Civil War. It's hard to imagine wartime life and the scenes were gentle enough, yet portrayed a realistic picture for the kids. I appreciated the mention of the soldier's commonplace book, and I took the opportunity to share mine.  Also, with Clay as our new puppy, the dog being a main character was fun and even applicable for the first time! 

Amos Fortune, Free Man

Mom's Notes: We're learning about slavery in America. It's not an easy topic, but it is an important one. Books like this one help to show to perseverance of the human spirit, even in the direst of circumstances. We've also been inspired by narratives of slaves on the Underground Railroad, specifically stories or Harriet Tubman's remarkable life of selfless service and sacrifice. I myself have read her narrative biography, as well as that of Sojourner Truth. Jonny and I both read, discussed, and now appreciate and cherish Uncle Tom's Cabin. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Ink on His Fingers

Mom's Notes: This story complimented our short study about the reformation and the Bible. While we didn't feel the story flowed as well as another we've read by Vernon, we did learn more about the time period, the nature of apprenticeships, and the great challenge it was to bring us the printed Bible. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

A Night Divided

Mom's Notes: Julia's friend Brenna gave her this book for Christmas. Julia read it quickly, then almost immediately began reading it aloud to her siblings. I joined in on the listening a few chapters in, and by then we were all hooked. We definitely all have a better understanding for what it might have been like to live in a divided Germany. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

It's so fascinating to read about life on the prairie. What modern convenience are you most grateful for? 

Michael (7): "Electricity and bigger space in the house."

Daniel (7): "Lights, cars, TV, electricity."

Evy (9): "Not toilets... but cars and showers and electricity. And modern phones." 

Gabe (12): "Air conditioning." 

Julia (14): "Showers and my phone." 

Mom's Notes: The first episode of the TV series is basically this entire book. So it was fun to watch it along the way as we read! I'm amazed at the courage, ingenuity, hard work, and resourcefulness of the early settlers. Their lives were full of adventure and danger, but also so much peace and stillness. Living more simply and intentionally resonates deeply with me.